Sycamore Bowl Blanks 53mm thick
Sycamore Bowl blanks
Sycamore, Acer Pseudoplatanus
All of our Sycamore blanks are kiln dried We convert native Sycamore on the premises and to ensure a constant supply we also import Sycamore from respected sawmills in Europe. The stock we have is about as white as it can be. It was commonly used for dairy utensils, laundry and textile rollers, chopping boards, turnery, carving and fine furniture. Sycamore works well with sharp tools. Its clean white appearance will show the form of turned items beautifully. Sycamore takes glue well and can be stained, textured, scorched, before taking a final finish. Every bowl blank has a small dimple in the centre on one face taking away any guess work when preparing for the lathe.
All our bowl blanks are supplied sawn with the edge sealed with hot wax to reduce the chance of the wood absorbing moisture if stored in damp conditions.